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Make a Shift: Retaining Hourly Workers

magazine cover of Convenience Store News featuring a woman on the cover wearing a red jacket, black shirt and jeans.

Stop the Shift Show author and former franchise owner, Scott Greenberg, shares insights and strategies for retaining hourly workers and creating winning teams. BY MICHELE SPONAGLE It’s no secret to convenience-gas operators that managing staff and retaining them is a constant struggle. The concerns are justified. Employee turnover in the convenience store sector is very […]

3 Ways to Truly Be in “The People Business”

“So, what business are you really in?” When I pose this question during my presentations as a motivational franchise speaker, many answer in terms of their products. “We’re in the ice cream business,” or, “We sell pizza.” Invariably a more sophisticated owner chimes in with, “We’re in the people business,” making the point that it’s not just […]

Resilience: The Most Important Soft Skill for Sustained Franchise Performance

4 Coping Strategies for Franchise Business Owners to Boost Resilience “Where do you see franchisees struggle the most, with what they know or how they feel?” As a motivational franchise speaker, I recently posed this question to a group of franchise executives at an operations summit hosted by Franchise Business Review. I’ve worked with enough […]

Introducing ‘Franchisor Appreciation Day’

There’s no shortage of official “days” in the U.S. Most of them have been created as a marketing tactic. Greeting card companies haven’t complained. But every now and then a “Day” comes along that merits some attention, and this September 15 will be one of them. Christened “Franchisor Appreciation Day,” this new initiative seeks to […]

Scott Greenberg, Business Resilience Speaker

McDonald’s Isn’t Banking on Robots Solving the Labor Crisis Faced with a challenging labor market, some of the biggest restaurants in the country have transformed robotics into a mainstream alternative. As a business resilience speaker, this is one of my areas of interest. Chipotle is the best example. The fast casual not only began testing […]

How Franchisors and Franchisee Associations Can Partner for Brand Greatness

    Some time ago, a friend forwarded me an article about the Amazon warehouse workers in Alabama and their unsuccessful attempt to unionize. Since I’m a motivational franchise speaker, he asked me how often movements like this emerge in the franchise industry. This wasn’t the first time I’ve had to explain to someone that […]

Why You Should Ditch the Golden Rule

“I treat them the way I want to be treated. It’s as simple as practicing the golden rule.” As a motivational franchise speaker, I was preparing to keynote for a chain of quick-service restaurants and I asked one of their franchisees what he does to provide good customer service. He shared the same belief I’ve […]

A Critical Mistake to Avoid When Hiring

  As an employee retention & hiring speaker speaker and former owner of an Edible Arrangements franchise, I understand the frustrations and pitfalls of interviewing candidates who seem perfect for the job, only to find them gone within a few months of hiring them I really wanted to like Nina. We had an open position […]

Why sticking to the system isn’t enough

    Following the franchise playbook is a great step toward success. But as a motivational franchise keynote speaker, I can fill you in on the rest of the story. Let’s take an example: Anna and Bob both run restaurants in the same quick-service franchise. When they met at training six years earlier, they learned […]

10 Fictional TV Small Businesses and the Lessons They Offer

One thing I’ve realized as a motivational franchise speaker is that just because a business isn’t real, doesn’t mean it can’t inspire. Without the burden of actually having to make money with their fictional franchise concepts, Hollywood has brought to the public a number of memorable brands offering all kinds of insight. Let’s take a […]

cover of the book Stop the Shift Show with a person punching a time card in a clock

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