book cover of The Wealthy Franchisee with a dollar bill folded as an arrow pointing up and to the right.

The Wealthy Franchisee

Game-Changing Steps to Becoming a Thriving Franchise Superstar

Why is it that while running the same business, some franchisees thrive while others struggle? Drawing upon his years of consulting for countless franchise brands and a decade running his own Edible Arrangements franchises, Scott Greenberg reveals the secrets of the franchise industry’s superstars. You’ll learn who they are, how they think, and what separates them from typical franchisees. You’ll discover how they delight their customers, motivate their employees and get the most value from their franchisor. Most importantly, you’ll learn what YOU can do to replicate their success and build more wealth. The Wealthy Franchisee will help you get out of your head and get into your business so you can:

  • Increase productivity, efficiency and streamline operations
  • Build MORE WEALTH from the operation you already have
  • Make smarter business decisions with more strategy and less emotion
  • Inspire employees and delight customers
  • Reduce stress, maintain a healthier lifestyle and have more fun


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Other Books by Scott Greenberg

If you’re the brain of your operation, your hourly workers are the vital heartbeat that keeps the business alive. But here’s the rub: hourly workers are different from other types of employees, and they require a unique approach to management. Forget the old adage of “No I in team”; with Stop the Shift Showyou hold the keys to mastering the minutiae of hourly workforce leadership, and it all begins with you.

cover of the book Stop the Shift Show with a person punching a time card in a clock

cover of the book Stop the Shift Show with a person punching a time card in a clock

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