Finding Franchise Opportunities With Broker Consultant Groups

As a motivational franchise keynote speaker, I’ve noticed that when unemployment increases… so does interest in franchising. Not having a job opens people to new opportunities. For some, it’s easier to pursue their dreams when there’s nothing holding them back, including a stable job. That seems to be the case now after COVID-19 has dramatically […]

Busting the Myths of Franchising

During my event preparation as a motivational franchise keynote speaker, I always interview franchisees from the brand I’ll be addressing. Over the years I’ve met a lot. I ask the best ones why they’re successful. I see who they are and what they do. Then I talk to the struggling franchisees and ask them what […]

The Metrics You Need to Monitor To Run a Great Business

      “So, how’s business?” I was interviewing a franchise owner prior to my keynote for his brand and inquired about how things were going. “Well, you know how they say most new businesses close within the first year? It’s been 18 months and we’re still here!” He had no idea how he was […]

How Smart Business Owners are Navigating the Pandemic

Business Resilience

We’ve all heard the expression “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” The idea is that working through adversity makes you tougher and wiser. Most of us grow not just from what we’ve experienced, but from what we’ve endured. It’s easy to embrace this idea once you’ve overcome adversity and are in a stable place. […]

Grow Your Business With a “Beginner’s Mindset”

Customer service program

With experience comes comfort. That’s not always good. When we get complacent in our business, our job or our relationships, we start to disengage. That’s when quality suffers. To prevent this, I tell business leaders and franchisees to “live every day like’s it’s your first.” The first time we do something, we’re focused. We’re careful. […]

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