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Make An Impression And Never Be Forgotten

I believe the best way to make a good impression on people is to change the energy in the room. If you apply for a job, give a candidacy speech or just want to impress a group of people, do something to distinguish yourself. Most try to fit in. Leaders stand out. Do things that will wake people up. As a speaker I often go on after numerous people have made announcements and given presentations. If I don’t grab the audience’s attention right away, I’m just another taking head. So usually I try to speak extra loud, begin with a story or ask everyone to stand up to do an activity. I want people to open their ears. Even if they’re initially suspicious, at least I’ve gotten them curious. If you talk to successful people, you’ll find most of them have a story of something they tried that was a little out of the ordinary. Recently I read an article about actor Danny Devito who (before he was famous) went to audition for the show “Taxi,” to play grouchy cab dispatcher “Louie.” When he walked in to meet the producers, he threw the script at them and shouted “Who wrote this stuff?!!,” implying the script was horrible. That’s exactly something Louie would say. Danny got the part and has been a star ever since. Sometimes your efforts will not be well received. Still, I believe that a little creativity will increase the odds of you making a lasting impression. I say, take the risk.

For tips on how to set yourself up for success, check out the Jump Start Leadership Workbooks or The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.

To read more motivation, check the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

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