Restaurant & Hospitality Speaker Scott Greenberg

How to Make Core Values Actually Mean Something in Your Restaurant “Next in line!” “Hi, I’d like a No. 4 with a bottle of water to go.” “Will that be for here or to go?” “Uh, to go.” “That’ll be $17.75. Thank you, your order number is 43. Next in line!” Five minutes after I […]

How to Boost Restaurant Performance Using Constructive Comparison

I’m a food and hospitality speaker. But when I attended my first convention as a franchise business owner, I felt like a freshman on the first day of high school. Many people knew each other and warmly offered handshakes and hugs. I knew almost no one. I also noticed how many of these people had […]

Attracting and Retaining Customers and Employees Comes Down to These Two Skills

Attracting and Retaining Customers and Employees Comes Down to These Two Skills Ever heard a business owner say they’re in “the people business?” As a hiring and retention keynote speaker, I hear it all the time. I make a living giving presentations to franchise systems, associations and corporations. I like to ask audience members to […]

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